All you wanted to know about Plonk

Zero-knowledge proofs, also known as ZKPs, are becoming popular due to their numerous applications in delegating computations to untrusted servers and addressing scalability issues in decentralized ledgers. By using ZKPs, we can prove the validity of a given computation without revealing sensitive information, and the proof is short and quickly verifiable. STARKs (scalable transparent arguments of knowledge) and SNARKs (succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge) are cryptographic primitives that allow us to transform computer programs into relations between polynomials and prove their correct execution, and have numerous applications in decentralized finances, governance, and computation. For more background on these topics, you can look at our previous posts on STARKs and SNARKs.
Due to its efficiency and flexibility, PLONK is a popular cryptographic proving system within the Zero Knowledge (ZK) community, having customized versions such as Halo2 and Kimchi. It enables the verification of complex computations executed by untrusted parties through the transformation of programs into circuit representations. The system relies on arithmetization, which converts logical circuits into polynomial expressions. The main idea behind arithmetization is to express the computation as a set of polynomial equations. The solutions to these equations correspond to the outputs of the circuit. In this section, we will delve into how arithmetization works in PLONK and the protocol used to generate and verify proofs.
The original paper can be found here
We will use the following notation throughout the article. If you are unfamiliar with some of these concepts, you can look at our math survival kit.
The symbol $\mathbb{F}$ denotes a finite field. It is fixed all along. The symbol $\omega$ represents a primitive root of unity in $\mathbb{F}$, that is, $\omega^n = 1$ and $\omega^k \neq 1$ for $0 < k < n$.
All polynomials have coefficients in $\mathbb{F}$, and the variable is usually denoted by $X$; we denote this set as $\mathbb{F} [X]$. We represent polynomials by single letters like $p, a, b, z$. We only mark them as $z(X)$ when we want to emphasize that it is a polynomial in $X$ or we need to define a polynomial from another one explicitly. For example, when composing a polynomial $z$ with the polynomial $\omega X$, the result is denoted by $z' := z(\omega X)$. The symbol $'$ is not used to indicate derivatives.
When interpolating at a domain $H = \{h_0 , \dots , h_n \} \subset \mathbb{F}$, the symbols $L_i$ denote the Lagrange basis. That is $L_i$ is the polynomial such that $L_i (h_j) = 0$ for all $j\neq i$, and that $L_i (h_i) = 1$.
If $M$ is a matrix, then $M_{i,j}$ denotes the value at the row $i$ and column $j$.
The ideas and components
Programs. Our toy example
We'll use the following toy program throughout this post for better clarity.
e * x + x - 1
The observer would have noticed that we could write this program as $(e + 1) \times x - 1$, which is more sensible. But the way it is written now serves us to explain the arithmetization of PLONK better. So we'll stick to it.
The idea is that the verifier holds some value $x$, say $x=3$. He gives it to the prover. She executes the program using her chosen value $e$ and sends the output value, say $8$, along with a proof $\pi$ demonstrating the correct execution of the program and obtaining the correct output.
In the context of PLONK, both the inputs and outputs of the program are considered public inputs. This may sound odd, but it is because these are the inputs to the verification algorithm. This is the algorithm that takes, in this case, the tuple $(3, 8, \pi)$ and outputs Accept if the toy program was executed with input $x=3$, some private value $e$ not revealed to the verifier, and out came $8$. Otherwise, it outputs Reject.
PLONK can be used to delegate program executions to untrusted parties, but it can also be used as proof of knowledge. A prover could use our program to demonstrate that she knows the multiplicative inverse of some value $x$ in the finite field without revealing it. She would do it by sending the verifier the tuple $(x, 0, \pi)$, where $\pi$ is the proof of the execution of our toy program.
This is pointless in our toy example because any verifier efficiently performs the inversion of field elements. But change our program to the following, and you get proof of knowledge of the preimage of SHA256 digests.
Here there's no input aside from the prover's private input. As we mentioned, the output $h$ of the program is then part of the inputs to the verification algorithm, which, in this case, takes $(h, \pi)$.
PLONK Arithmetization
This process takes the circuit of a particular program and produces a set of mathematical tools that we can use to generate and verify proofs of execution. The final result will be a set of eight polynomials. To compute them, we first need to define two matrices. We call them the $Q$ matrix and the $V$ matrix. The polynomials and the matrices depend only on the program and not on any particular execution. So they can be computed once and used for every execution instance. To understand what they are helpful for, we need to start with execution traces.
Circuits and execution traces
See the program as a sequence of gates with a left operand, a right operand, and an output. The two most basic gates are multiplication and addition gates. In our example, one way to see our toy program is as a composition of three gates.
Gate 1: left: $e$, right: $x$, output: $u = e \times x$
Gate 2: left: $u$, right: $x$, output: $v = u + x$
Gate 3: left: $v$, right: $1$, output: $w = v - 1$
On executing the circuit, all these variables will take a concrete value. We can put all that information in table form. It will be a matrix with all left, right, and output values of all the gates—one row per gate. We call the columns of this matrix $L, R, O$. Let's build them for $x=3$ and $e=2$. We get $u=6$, $v=9$ and $w=5$. So the first matrix is:
A | B | C |
2 | 3 | 6 |
6 | 3 | 9 |
9 | - | 8 |
The last gate subtracts a constant value that is part of the program and is not a variable. So it has only one input instead of two. And the output is the result of subtracting $1$ from it. That's why it is handled a bit differently from the second gate. The symbol "-" in the $R$ column is a consequence of that. With that, we mean "any value" because it won't change the result. In the next section, we'll see how we implement that. Here we'll use this notation when any value can be put there. If we have to choose some, we'll default to $0$.
What we got is a valid execution trace. Not all matrices of that shape will be the trace of the execution of the program. The matrices $Q$ and $V$ will be the tools to distinguish between valid and invalid execution traces.
The $Q$ matrix
As we said, it only depends on the program itself and not on any particular evaluation. It has one row for each gate, and its columns are called $Q_L, Q_R, Q_O, Q_M, Q_C$. They encode the rows' gate type and are designed to satisfy the following.
Claim: If columns $L, R, O$ correspond to a valid evaluation of the circuit, then for all $i$, the following equality holds $$A_i Q_{Li} + B_i Q_{Ri} + A_i B_i Q_{Mi} + C_i Q_{Oi} + Q_{Ci} = 0$$
This is better seen with examples. The row represents a multiplication gate:
$Q_L$ | $Q_R$ | $Q_M$ | $Q_O$ | $Q_C$ |
0 | 0 | 1 | -1 | 0 |
And the row in the trace matrix that corresponds to the execution of that gate is
A | B | C |
2 | 3 | 6 |
The equation in the claim for that row is that $2 \times 0 + 3 \times 0 + 2 \times 3 \times 1 + 6 \times (-1) + 0$, which equals $0$. The next is an addition gate. The row represents this:
$Q_L$ | $Q_R$ | $Q_M$ | $Q_O$ | $Q_C$ |
1 | 1 | 0 | -1 | 0 |
The corresponding row in the trace matrix its
A | B | C |
6 | 3 | 9 |
And the equation of the claim is $6 \times 1 + 3 \times 1 + 2 \times 3 \times 0 + 9 \times (-1) + 0$, which adds up to $0$. Our last row is the gate that adds a constant. The row can represent addition by constant C
$Q_L$ | $Q_R$ | $Q_M$ | $Q_O$ | $Q_C$ |
1 | 0 | 0 | -1 | C |
In our case, $C=-1$. The corresponding row in the execution trace is
A | B | C |
9 | - | 8 |
And the equation of the claim is $9 \times 1 + 0 \times 0 + 9 \times 0 \times 0 + 8 \times (-1) + C$. This is also zero.
Putting it all together, the entire $Q$ matrix is
$Q_L$ | $Q_R$ | $Q_M$ | $Q_O$ | $Q_C$ |
0 | 0 | 1 | -1 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 0 | -1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 | -1 | -1 |
And we saw that the claim is true for our particular execution:
$$ 2 \times 0 + 3 \times 0 + 2 \times 3 \times 1 + 6 \times (-1) + 0 = 0 $$
$$ 6 \times 1 + 3 \times 1 + 6 \times 3 \times 0 + 9 \times (-1) + 0 = 0 $$
$$ 9 \times 1 + 0 \times 0 + 9 \times 0 \times 0 + 8 \times (-1) + (-1) = 0 $$
Not crucial to our example, but multiplication by constant C can be represented by:
$Q_L$ | $Q_R$ | $Q_M$ | $Q_O$ | $Q_C$ |
C | 0 | 0 | -1 | 0 |
As you might have already noticed, there are several ways to represent the same gate in some cases. We'll exploit this in a moment.
The $V$ matrix
The claim in the previous section is not an "if and only if" statement because the following trace columns do satisfy the equations but do not correspond to a valid execution:
A | B | C |
2 | 3 | 6 |
0 | 0 | 0 |
20 | - | 19 |
The $V$ matrix encodes the carry of the results from one gate to the right or left operand of a subsequent one. These are called wirings. Like the $Q$ matrix, it's independent of the individual evaluation. It consists of indices for all input and intermediate variables. In this case, that matrix is:
L | R | O |
0 | 1 | 2 |
2 | 1 | 3 |
3 | - | 4 |
Here $0$ is the index of $e$, $1$ is the index of $x$, $2$ is the index of $u$, $3$ is the index of $v$, and $4$ is the index of the output $w$. Now we can update the claim to have an "if and only if" statement.
Claim: Let $T$ be a matrix with columns $A, B, C$. It corresponds to a proper evaluation of the circuit if and only if
- for all $i$ the following equality holds $$A_i Q_{Li} + B_i Q_{Ri} + A_i B_i Q_{Mi} + C_i Q_{Oi} + Q_{Ci} = 0,$$
- for all $i,j,k,l$ such that $V_{i,j} = V_{k, l}$ we have $T_{i,j} = T_{k, l}$.
So now, our malformed example does not pass the second check.
Custom gates
Our matrices are fine now, but they can be optimized. Let's do that to showcase this flexibility of PLONK and also reduce the size of our example.
PLONK can construct more sophisticated gates as combinations of the five columns. Therefore, the same program can be expressed in multiple ways. In our case, we can merge all three gates into a single custom gate. The $Q$ matrix ends up being a single row.
$Q_L$ | $Q_R$ | $Q_M$ | $Q_O$ | $Q_C$ |
0 | 1 | 1 | -1 | -1 |
and also the $V$ matrix
L | R | O |
0 | 1 | 2 |
The trace matrix for this representation is just
A | B | C |
2 | 3 | 8 |
And we check that it satisfies the equation
$$ 2 \times 0 + 3 \times 1 + 2 \times 3 \times 1 + 8 \times (-1) + (-1) = 0$$
Of course, we cannot always squash an entire program into a single gate.
Public inputs
Aside from the gates that execute the program operations, additional rows must be incorporated into these matrices. This is because the prover must demonstrate not only that she ran the program but also that she used the appropriate inputs. Furthermore, the proof must include an assertion of the output value. As a result, a few extra rows are necessary. In our case, these are the first two and the last one. The original one sits now in the third row.
$Q_L$ | $Q_R$ | $Q_M$ | $Q_O$ | $Q_C$ |
-1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
-1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 |
1 | 1 | 1 | -1 | 1 |
1 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
And this is the updated $V$ matrix
L | R | O |
0 | - | - |
1 | - | - |
2 | 0 | 3 |
1 | 3 | - |
The first row forces the variable with index $0$ to take the value $3$. Similarly, the second row forces the variable with an index of $1$ to take the value $8$. These two will be the public inputs of the verifier. The last row checks that the program's output is the claimed one.
And the trace matrix is now
A | B | C |
3 | - | - |
8 | - | - |
2 | 3 | 8 |
8 | 8 | - |
With these extra rows, equations add up to zero only for valid executions of the program with input $3$ and output $8$.
An astute observer would notice that the matrix $Q$ is no longer independent of the specific evaluation by incorporating these new rows. This is because the first two rows of the $Q_C$ column contain concrete values specific to a particular execution instance. We can remove these values and consider them as part of an extra one-column matrix called $PI$ (stands for Public Input) to maintain independence. This column has zeros in all rows not related to public inputs. We put zeros in the $Q_C$ columns. The prover and verifier are responsible for filling in the $PI$ matrix. In our example, it is
$PI$ |
3 |
8 |
0 |
0 |
And the final $Q$ matrix is
$Q_L$ | $Q_R$ | $Q_M$ | $Q_O$ | $Q_C$ |
-1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
-1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 | -1 | 1 |
1 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
We ended up with two matrices that depend only on the program, $Q$ and $V$, and two matrices that depend on a particular evaluation, namely the $ABC$ and $PI$ matrices. The updated version of the claim is the following:
Claim: Let $T$ be a matrix with columns $A, B, C$. It corresponds to an evaluation of the circuit if and only if
- for all $i$ the following equality holds $$A_i Q_{Li} + B_i Q_{Ri} + A_i B_i Q_{Mi} + C_i Q_{Oi} + Q_{Ci} + PI_i = 0,$$
- for all $i,j,k,l$ such that $V_{i,j} = V_{k,l}$ we have $T_{i,j} = T_{k,l}$.
From matrices to polynomials
The previous section showed how the arithmetization process works in PLONK. For a program with $n$ public inputs and $m$ gates, we constructed two matrices $Q$ and $V$ of sizes $(n + m + 1) \times 5$ and $(n + m + 1) \times 3$ that satisfy the following. Let $N = n + m + 1.$
Claim: Let $T$ be a $N \times 3$ matrix with columns $A, B, C$ and $PI$ a $N \times 1$ matrix. They correspond to a valid execution instance with public input given by $PI$ if and only if
- for all $i$ the following equality holds $$A_i Q_{Li} + B_i Q_{Ri} + A_i B_i Q_{Mi} + C_i Q_{Oi} + Q_{Ci} + PI_i = 0,$$
- for all $i,j,k,l$ such that $V_{i,j} = V_{k,l}$ we have $T_{i,j} = T_{k,l}$
- $PI_i = 0$ for all $i>n$.
Polynomials enter now to squash most of these equations. We will traduce the set of all equations in conditions (1) and (2) to just a few equations on polynomials.
Let $\omega$ be a primitive $N$-th root of unity and let $H = {\omega^i: 0\leq i < N}$. Let $a, b, c, q_L, q_R, q_M, q_O, q_C, pi$ be the polynomials of degree at most $N$ that interpolate the columns $A, B, C, Q_L, Q_R, Q_M, Q_O, Q_C, PI$ at the domain $H$. This means for example that $a(\omega^i) = A_i$ for all $i$, and similarly for all the other columns (see our previous post on STARKs for examples on interpolation).
With this, condition (1) of the claim is equivalent to $$a(x) q_L(x) + b(x) q_R(x) + a(x) b(x) q_M(x) + c(x) q_O(x) + q_c(x) + pi(x) = 0$$ for all $x$ in $H$.This is just by definition of the polynomials. But in polynomials land, this is also equivalent to:
- There exists a polynomial $t$ such that $$a q_L + b q_R + a b q_M + c q_O + q_c + pi = z_H t$$, where $z_H$ is the polynomial $X^N -1$.
To reduce condition (2) to polynomial equations, we must introduce the concept of permutation. A permutation is a rearrangement of a set, usually denoted $\sigma$. For finite sets, it is a map from a set to itself that takes all values. In our case, the set will be the set of all pairs
$$I={(i,j): \text{ such that }0\leq i < N, \text{ and } 0\leq j < 3}$$
The matrix $V$ induces a permutation of this set where $\sigma((i,j))$ is equal to the indices of the next occurrence of the value at position $(i,j)$. If you are already at the last occurrence, go to the first one. By next, we mean the following occurrence, as if the columns were stacked on each other. Let's see how this works in the example circuit. Recall $V$ is
L | R | O |
0 | - | - |
1 | - | - |
2 | 0 | 3 |
1 | 3 | - |
The permutation in this case is the map $\sigma((0,0)) = (2,1)$, $\sigma((0,1)) = (0, 3)$, $\sigma((0,2)) = (0,2)$, $\sigma((0,3)) = (0,1)$, $\sigma((2,1)) = (0,0)$, $\sigma((3,1)) = (2,2)$, $\sigma((2,2)) = (3,1)$. The positions with -
values don't matter right now.
It's not hard to see that condition (2) is equivalent to: for all $(i,j)\in I$, $T_{i,j} = T_{\sigma((i,j))}$.
A little less obvious is that this condition is, in turn, equivalent to checking whether the following sets $A$ and $B$ are equal
$$A = \{((i,j), T_{i,j}): (i,j) \in I\}$$
$$B = \{(\sigma((i,j)), T_{i,j}): (i,j) \in I\}.$$
The proof of this equivalence is straightforward. Give it a try!
In our example, the sets in question are respectively
\{((0,0), T_{ 0,0 }), ((0,1), T_{ 0,1 }), ((0,2), T_{ 0,2 }), ((0,3), T_{ 0,3 }), \newline ((2,1), T_{ 2,1 }), ((3,1), T_{ 3,1 }), ((2,2), T_{ 2,2 })\}
\{((2,1), T_{0,0}), ((0,3), T_{0,1}), ((0,2), T_{0,2}), ((0,1), T_{0,3}), \newline ((0,0), T_{2,1}), ((2,2), T_{3,1}), ((3,1), T_{2,2}) \}, \end{aligned}
You can check these sets coincide by inspection. Recall our trace matrix $T$ is
A | B | C |
3 | - | - |
8 | - | - |
2 | 3 | 8 |
8 | 8 | - |
Checking the equality of these sets can be reduced to polynomial equations. It is a very nice method that PLONK uses. To understand it better, let's start with a more straightforward case.
Equality of sets
Suppose we have two sets $A = \{a_0, a_1 \}$ $B = \{b_0, b_1\}$ of two field elements in $\mathbb{F}$. And we are interested in checking whether they are equal.
One thing we could do is compute $a_0a_1$ and $b_0b_1$ and compare them. If the sets are equal, then those elements are necessarily identical.
But the converse is not true. For example the sets $A = \{4, 15\}$ and $B = \{6, 10\}$ both have $60$ as the result of the product of their elements. But they are not equal. So this is not good for checking equality.
Polynomials come to the rescue here. What we can do instead is consider the following sets of polynomials $A' = \{a_0 + X, a_1 + X\}$, $B' = \{b_0 + X, b_1 + X \}$. Sets $A$ and $B$ are equal if and only if sets $A'$, and $B'$ are equal. This is because the equality of polynomials boils down to the equality of their coefficients. But the difference between $A'$ and $B'$ is that the approach of multiplying the elements works now. That is, $A'$ and $B'$ are equal if and only if $(a_0 + X)(a_1 + X) = (b_0 + X)(b_1 + X)$. This is not entirely evident but follows from a property that polynomials have called unique factorization. Here the important fact is that linear polynomials act like prime factors. Anyway, you can take that for granted. The last part of this trick is using the Schwartz-Zippel lemma and returning to the land of field elements. That means, if for some random element $\gamma$ we have $(a_0 + \gamma)(a_1 + \gamma) = (b_0 + \gamma)(b_1 + \gamma)$, then with overwhelming probability the equality $(a_0 + X)(a_1 + X) = (b_0 + X)(b_1 + X)$ holds.
Putting this altogether, if for some random element $\gamma$ we have $(a_0 + \gamma)(a_1 + \gamma) = (b_0 + \gamma)(b_1 + \gamma)$, then the sets $A$ and $B$ are equal. Of course, this also holds for sets with more than two elements. Let's write that down.
Fact: Let $A = \{a_0, \dots, a_{k-1} \}$ and $B = \{b_0, \dots, b_{k-1} \}$ be sets of field elements. If, for some random $\gamma$ the following equality holds
$$\prod_{i = 0}^{ k - 1}(a_i + \gamma) = \prod_{i = 0}^{ k - 1 }(b_i + \gamma),$$
then with overwhelming probability $A$ is equal to $B$.
And here comes the trick that reduces this check to polynomial equations. Let
$H$ be a domain of the form $\{1, \omega, \dots, \omega^{k - 1} \}$ for some primitive $k$-th root of unity $\omega$. Let $f$ and $g$ be the polynomials that interpolate the following values at $H$.
$$(a_0 + \gamma, \dots, a_{k-1} + \gamma),$$
$$(b_0 + \gamma, \dots, b_{k-1} + \gamma),$$
Then $\prod_{i = 0}^{ k - 1}(a_i + \gamma)$ equals $\prod_{ i = 0}^{ k - 1}(b_i + \gamma)$ if and only if there exists a polynomial $Z$ such that
$$Z(\omega^0) = 1$$
$$Z(h)f(h) = g(h)Z(\omega h)$$
for all $h\in H$.
Let's see why. Suppose that $\prod_{i = 0}^{ k - 1}(a_i + \gamma)$ equals $\prod_{i = 0}^{ k - 1}(b_i + \gamma)$. Construct $Z$ as the polynomial that interpolates the following values $$(1, \frac{a_0 + \gamma}{b_0 + \gamma}, \frac{(a_0 + \gamma)(a_1 + \gamma)}{(b_0 + \gamma)(b_1 + \gamma)}, \dots, \prod_{i=0}^{k-2} \frac{a_i + \gamma}{b_i + \gamma}),$$
in the same domain as $f$ and $g$. That works. Conversely, suppose such a polynomial $Z$ exists. By evaluating the equation $Z(X)f(X) = g(X)Z(\omega X)$ at $1, \omega, \dots, \omega^{k-2}$ and using recursion we get that $Z(\omega^{k-1}) = \prod_{i = 0}^{k - 2}(a_i + \gamma)/\prod_{i = 0}^{k - 2}(b_i + \gamma)$. Moreover, evaluating it at $\omega^{k-1}$ we obtain that $$Z(\omega^{k - 1})\frac{f(\omega^{k - 1} )}{g(\omega^{ k - 1 })} = Z(\omega^k ) = Z(w^0 ) = 1.$$
The second equality holds because $\omega^k = \omega^0$ since it is a $k$-th root of unity. Expanding with the values of $f, g$ and $Z$ one obtains that $\prod_{i = 0}^{k - 1}(a_i + \gamma)/\prod_{i = 0}^{k - 1}(b_i + \gamma)$ equals $1$. Which is what we wanted.
In summary. We proved the following:
Fact: Let $A = \{a_0, \dots, a_{k-1} \}$ and $B = \{b_0, \dots, b_{k-1} \}$ be sets of field elements. Let $\gamma$ be a random field element. Let $\omega$ be a primitive $k$-th root of unity and $H = \{1, \omega, \omega^2, \dots, \omega^{k-1} \}$. Let $f$ and $g$ be respectively the polynomials that interpolate the values $\{a_0 + \gamma, \dots, a_{k-1} + \gamma \}$ and $\{ b_0 + \gamma, \dots, b_{k-1} + \gamma \}$ at $H$. If there exists a polynomial $Z$ such that
$$Z(\omega^0 ) = 1$$
$$Z(X)f(X) = g(X)Z(\omega X)$$
for all $h\in H$, then with overwhelming probability the sets $A$ and $B$ are equal.
Sets of tuples
In the previous section, we saw how to check whether two sets of field elements are equal using polynomial equations. To use it in our context, we need to extend it to groups of tuples of field elements. This is pretty straightforward.
Let's start with the easy case. Let $A = \{(a_0, a_1), (a_2, a_3) \}$ and $B = \{(b_0, b_1), (b_2, b_3)\}$ be two sets of pairs of field elements. That is $a_i, b_i \in \mathbb{F}$ for all $i$. The trick is very similar to the previous section.
$$A' = \{a_0 + a_1 Y + X, a_2 + a_3 Y + X \}$$
$$B' = \{b_0 + b_1 Y + X, b_2 + b_3 Y + X \}$$
Just as before, by looking at coefficients, we can see that the sets $A$ and $B$ are equal if and only if $A'$ and $B'$ are equal.
And notice that these are sets of polynomials: we got rid of the tuples! Now, the situation is very similar to the previous section. We have that $A'$ and $B'$ are equal if and only if the product of their elements coincides. This is also true because polynomials in two variables are a unique factorization domain. So as before, we can use the Schwartz-Zippel lemma. Precisely, if for random $\beta, \gamma$, the elements
$$(a_0 + \beta a_1 + \gamma)(a_2 + \beta a_3 + \gamma),$$
$$(b_0 + \beta b_1 + \gamma)(b_2 + \beta b_3 + \gamma)$$
coincide, then $A$ and $B$ are equal with overwhelming probability.
Here is the statement for sets of more than two pairs of field elements.
Fact: Let $A = \{\bar a_0, \dots, \bar a_{k-1} \}$ and $B = \{\bar b_0, \dots, \bar b_{k-1} \}$ be sets of pairs of field elements. So that $\bar a_i = (a_{i,0}, a_{i,1})$ and the same for $\bar b_i$. Let $\beta, \gamma$ be random field elements. Let $\omega$ be a $k$-th root of unity and $H = \{1, \omega, \omega^2, \dots, \omega^{k-1} \}$. Let $f$ and $g$ be, respectively, the polynomials that interpolate the values
$$\{a_{i,0} + a_{i,1}\beta + \gamma, \dots, a_{k-1,0} + a_{k-1,1}\beta + \gamma\},$$
$$\{b_{i,0} + b_{i,1}\beta + \gamma, \dots, b_{k-1,0} + b_{k-1,1}\beta + \gamma\},$$
at $H$. If there exists a polynomial $Z$ such that
$$Z(\omega^0 ) = 1$$
$$Z(X)f(X) = g(X)Z(\omega X)$$
for all $h\in H$, then with overwhelming probability the sets $A$ and $B$ are equal.
Going back to our case
Recall we want to rephrase condition (b) in terms of polynomials. We have already seen that condition (b) is equivalent to $A$ and $B$ being equal, where
$$A = \{((i,j), T_{i,j}): (i,j) \in I\}$$
$$B = \{(\sigma((i,j)), T_{i,j}): (i,j) \in I\}.$$
We cannot directly use the facts of the previous sections because our sets are not sets of field elements, nor are they sets of pairs of field elements. They are sets of pairs with some indexes $(i,j)$ in the first coordinate and a field element $v$ in the second one. So the solution is to convert them to sets of pairs of field elements and apply the result of the previous section. How do we map an element of the form $((i,j), v)$ to something of the form $(a_0, a_1)$ with $ a_0 $ and $ a_1 $ field elements? The second coordinate is trivial: we can leave $v$ as it is and take $a_1 = v$. There are multiple ways for the indexes pair $(i,j)$. The important thing to achieve here is that different pairs get mapped to different field elements. Recall that $i$ ranges from $0$ to $N-1$ and $j$ ranges from $0$ to $2$. One way is to take a $3N$-th primitive root of unity $\eta$ and define $a_0 = \eta^{3i + j}$. Putting it all together, we are mapping the pair $((i,j), v)$ to the pair $(\eta^{3i + j}, v)$, which is a pair of field elements. Now we can consider the sets
$$A = \{(\eta^{3i + j}, T_{i,j}): (i,j) \in I\}$$
$$B = \{(\eta^{3k + l}, T_{i,j}): (i,j) \in I, \sigma((i,j)) = (k, l)\}.$$
We have that condition (b) is equivalent to $A$ and $B$ being equal.
Applying the method of the previous section to these sets, we obtain the following.
Fact: Let $\eta$ be a $3N$-th root of unity and $\beta$ and $\gamma$ random field elements. Let $D = \{1, \eta, \eta^2, \dots, \eta^{3N-1}\}$. Let $f$ and $g$ be the polynomials that interpolate, respectively, the following values at $D$:
$$\{T_{i,j} + \eta^{3i + j}\beta + \gamma: (i,j) \in I\},$$
$$\{T_{i,j} + \eta^{3k + l}\beta + \gamma: (i,j) \in I, \sigma((i,j)) = (k,l)\},$$
Suppose there exists a polynomial $Z$ such that
$$Z(\eta^0 ) = 1$$
$$Z(d)f(d) = g(d)Z(\eta d),$$
for all $h\in D$.
Then the sets $A = \{((i,j), T_{i,j}): (i,j) \in I \}$ and $B = \{(\sigma((i,j)), T_{i,j}): (i,j) \in I\}$ are equal with overwhelming probability.
One last-minute definition. Notice that $\omega=\eta^3$ is a primitive $N$-th root of unity. Let $H = \{1, \omega, \omega^2, \dots, \omega^{N-1}\}$.
Define $S_{\sigma 1}$ to be the interpolation at $H$ of
$$\{\eta^{3k + l}: (i,0) \in I, \sigma((i,0)) = (k,l)\},$$
Similarly define $S_{\sigma 2}$ and $S_{\sigma 3}$ to be the interpolation at $H$ of the sets of values
$$\{\eta^{3k + l}: (i,1) \in I, \sigma((i,1)) = (k,l)\},$$
$$\{\eta^{3k + l}: (i,2) \in I, \sigma((i,2)) = (k,l)\},$$
These will be useful during the protocol to work with such polynomials $Z$ and the above equations.
A more compact form
The last fact is equivalent to the following. There's no new idea here, just a more compact form of the same thing that allows the polynomial $Z$ to be of degree at most $N$.
Fact: Let $\omega$ be a $N$-th root of unity. Let $H = \{1, \omega, \omega^2, \dots, \omega^{N-1}\}$. Let $k_1$ and $k_2$ be two field elements such that $\omega^i \neq \omega^jk_1 \neq \omega^l k_2$ for all $i,j,l$. Let $\beta$ and $\gamma$ be random field elements. Let $f$ and $g$ be the polynomials that interpolate, respectively, the following values at $H$:
$$\{(T_{0,j} + \omega^{i} \beta + \gamma) (T_{1,j} + \omega^{i} k_1 \beta + \gamma) (T_{2,j} + \omega^{i} k_2\beta + \gamma): 0\leq i<N\},$$
$$\{(T_{0,j} + S_{\sigma1}(\omega^i)\beta + \gamma)(T_{0,j} + S_{\sigma2}(\omega^i)\beta + \gamma)(T_{0,j} + S_{\sigma3}(\omega^i)\beta + \gamma): 0\leq i<N\},$$
Suppose there exists a polynomial $Z$ such that
$$Z(\omega^0) = 1$$
$$Z(d)f(d) = g(d)Z(\omega d),$$
for all $h\in D$.
Then the sets $A = \{((i,j), T_{i,j}): (i,j) \in I\}$ and $B = \{(\sigma((i,j)), T_{i,j}): (i,j) \in I\}$ are equal with overwhelming probability.
Common preprocessed input
We have arrived at the eight polynomials we mentioned at the beginning:
$$q_L, q_R, q_M, q_O, q_C, S_{\sigma 1}, S_{\sigma 2}, S_{\sigma 3}.$$
These are what's called the common preprocessed input.
Wrapping up the whole thing
Let's wrap up what we have so far. We started with a program. It can be seen as a sequence of gates with left, right, and output values. That's called a circuit. From this, two matrices, $Q$, and $V$, can be computed to capture the gates logic.
Executing the circuit leaves us with matrices $T$ and $PI$, called the trace matrix and the public input matrix, respectively. Everything we want to prove boils down to verifying that such matrices are valid. And we have the following result.
Fact: Let $T$ be a $N \times 3$ matrix with columns $A, B, C$ and $PI$ a $N \times 1$ matrix. They correspond to a valid execution instance with public input given by $PI$ if and only if
- for all $i$ the following equality holds $$A_i Q_{Li} + B_i Q_{Ri} + A_i B_i Q_{Mi} + C_i Q_{Oi} + Q_{Ci} + PI_i = 0,$$
- for all $i,j,k,l$ such that $V_{i,j} = V_{k,l}$ we have $T_{i,j} = T_{k,l}$, c) $PI_i = 0$ for all $i>n$.
Then we constructed polynomials $q_L, q_R, q_M, q_O, q_C, S_{\sigma1},S_{\sigma2}, S_{\sigma3}$, $f$, $g$ from the matrices $Q$ and $V$. They result from interpolating at a domain $H = \{1, \omega, \omega^2, \dots, \omega^{N-1}\}$ for some $N$-th primitive root of unity and a few random values. We also constructed polynomials $a,b,c, pi$ from the matrices $T$ and $PI$. The above fact can be reformulated in terms of polynomial equations as follows.
Fact: Let $z_H = X^N - 1$. Let $T$ be a $N \times 3$ matrix with columns $A, B, C$ and $PI$ a $N \times 1$ matrix. They correspond to a valid execution instance with public input given by $PI$ if and only if
There is a polynomial $t_1$ such that the following equality holds $$a q_L + b q_R + a b q_M + c q_O + q_C + pi = z_H t_1,$$
There are polynomials $t_2, t_3$, $z$ such that $zf - gz' = z_H t_2$ and $(z-1)L_1 = z_H t_3$, where $z'(X) = z(X\omega)$
You might be wondering where the polynomials $t_i$ came from. Recall that for a polynomial $F$, we have $F(h) = 0$ for all $h \in H$ if and only if $F = z_H t$ for some polynomial $t$.
Finally, both conditions (a) and (b) are equivalent to a single equation (c) if we let more randomness come into play. This is:
- Let $\alpha$ be a random field element. There is a polynomial $t$ such that
z_H t &= a q_L + b q_R + a b q_M + c q_O + q_C + pi \newline
&= \alpha(gz' - fz) \newline
&= \alpha^2(z-1)L_1 \newline
This last step is not obvious. You can check the paper to see the proof. Anyway, this is the equation you'll recognize below in the protocol description.
Randomness is a delicate matter, and an essential part of the protocol is where it comes from, who chooses it, and when they choose it. We are now ready to jump into the protocol.
Details and tricks
Polynomial commitment scheme
A polynomial commitment scheme (PCS) is a cryptographic tool that allows one party to commit to a polynomial and later prove some properties of that polynomial.
This commitment polynomial hides the original polynomial's coefficients and can be publicly shared without revealing any information about the original polynomial.
Later, the party can use the commitment to prove specific properties of the polynomial, such as that it satisfies certain constraints or evaluates to a particular value at a specific point.
For the moment, we only need the following about it:
It consists of a finite group $\mathbb{G}$ and the following algorithms:
- Commit($f$): This algorithm takes a polynomial $f$ and produces an element of the group $\mathbb{G}$. It is called the commitment of $f$ and is denoted by $[f]$. It is homomorphic in the sense that $[f + g] = [f] + [g]$. The former sum is the addition of polynomials. The latter is the addition operation in the group $\mathbb{G}$.
- Open($f$,$\zeta$): It takes a polynomial $f$ and a field element $\zeta$ and produces an element $\pi$ of the group $\mathbb{G}$. This element is an opening proof for $f(\zeta)$. It is the proof that $f$ evaluated at $\zeta$ gives $f(\zeta)$.
- Verify($[f]$, $\pi$, $\zeta$, $y$): It takes group elements $[f]$ and $\pi$, and also field elements $\zeta$ and $y$. With overwhelming probability, it outputs Accept if $f(z)=y$ and Reject otherwise.
By changing the PCS, you can get different versions of PLONK, each with its advantages and disadvantages (such as shorter proofs, plausibly post-quantum secure, lack of trusted setup, etc).
As you will see in the protocol, the prover reveals the value taken by a bunch of the polynomials at a random $\zeta$. For the protocol to be Honest Verifier Zero Knowledge, these polynomials must be blinded. This process makes the values of these polynomials at $\zeta$ seemingly random by forcing them to be of a certain degree. Here's how it works.
Let's take, for example, the polynomial $a$ the prover constructs. This results from interpolating the first column of the trace matrix $T$ at the domain $H$.
This matrix has all of the left operands of all the gates. The prover wishes to keep them secret.
Say the trace matrix $T$ has $N$ rows, and so $H$ is $\{1, \omega,\omega^2, \dots, \omega^{N-1} \}$. The invariant that the prover cannot violate is that $a_{\text{blinded}}(\omega^i)$ must take the value $T_{0, i}$, for all $i$. This is what the interpolation polynomial $a$ satisfies and is the unique such polynomial of degree at most $N-1$ with such property. But for higher degrees, there are many such polynomials.
The blinding process takes $a$ and a desired degree $M\geq N$ and produces a new polynomial $a_{\text{blinded}}$ of degree exactly $M$. This new polynomial satisfies that $a_{\text{blinded}}(\omega^i) = a(\omega^i)$ for all $i$. But outside $H$ differs from $a$.
This may seem hard, but it's very simple. Let $z_H$ be the polynomial $z_H = X^N - 1$. If $M=N+k$, with $k\geq 0$, then sample random values $b_0, \dots, b_k$ and define
$$ a_{\text{blinded}} := (b_0 + b_1 X + \cdots + b_k X^k)z_H + a $$
This does the job because $z_H(\omega^i)=0$ for all $i$. Therefore the added term vanishes at $H$ and leaves the values of $a$ at $H$ unchanged.
Linearization trick
This is an optimization in PLONK to reduce the number of checks of the verifier.
One of the primary checks in PLONK boils down to checking that $p(\zeta) = z_H(\zeta) t(\zeta)$, with $p$ some polynomial that looks like $p = a q_L + b q_R + ab q_M + \cdots$, and so on. In particular, the verifier needs to get the value $p(\zeta)$ from somewhere.
For the sake of simplicity, in this section, assume $p$ is exactly $a q_L + bq_R$. Secret to the prover here is only $a, b$. The polynomials $q_L$ and $q_R$ are also known to the verifier. The verifier will already have the commitments $[a], [b], [q_L]$ and $[q_R]$. So the prover could send just $a(\zeta)$, $b(\zeta)$ along with their opening proofs and let the verifier compute by himself $q_L(\zeta)$ and $q_R(\zeta)$. Then with all these values the verifier could compute $p(\zeta) = a(\zeta)q_L(\zeta) + b(\zeta)q_R(\zeta)$. And also use his commitments to validate the opening proofs of $a(\zeta)$ and $b(\zeta)$.
This has the problem that computing $q_L(\zeta)$ and $q_R(\zeta)$ is expensive. Instead, the prover can save the verifier this by sending $q_L(\zeta), q_R(\zeta)$ along with opening proofs. Since the verifier will have the commitments $[q_L]$ and $[q_R]$ beforehand, he can check that the prover is not cheating and cheaply be convinced that the claimed values are $q_L(\zeta)$ and $q_R(\zeta)$. This is much better. It involves the check of four opening proofs and the computation of $p(\zeta)$ from the values received from the prover. But it can be further improved as follows.
As before, the prover sends $a(\zeta), b(\zeta)$ along with their opening proofs. She constructs the polynomial $f = a(\zeta)q_L + b(\zeta)q_R$. She sends the value $f(\zeta)$ along with an opening proof of it. Notice that the value of $f(\zeta)$ is exactly $p(\zeta)$. The verifier can compute by himself $[f]$ as $a(\zeta)[q_L] + b(\zeta)[q_R]$. The verifier has everything to check all three openings and is convinced that the claimed value $f(\zeta)$ is true, and this value is $p(\zeta)$. So this means no more work for the verifier. And the whole thing got reduced to three openings.
This is called the linearization trick. The polynomial $f$ is called the linearization of $p$.
There's a one-time setup phase to compute some values common to any execution and proof of the particular circuit. Precisely, the following commitments are calculated and published.
$$\left[ q_L \right] , \left[ q_R \right] , \left[ q_M \right] , \left[ q_O \right] , \left[ q_C \right] , \left[ S_{ \sigma 1} \right] , \left[ S_{ \sigma 2} \right] , \left[ S_{ \sigma 3} \right]$$
Proving algorithm
Next, we describe the proving algorithm for a program of size $N$, that includes public input. Let $\omega$ be a primitive $N$-th root of unity. Let $H = \{1, \omega, \omega^2, \dots, \omega^{N-1} \}$. Define $Z_H := X^N - 1$.
Assume the eight polynomials of common preprocessed input are already given.
The prover computes the trace matrix $T$ as described in the first sections. That means the first rows correspond to the public inputs. It should be a $N \times 3$ matrix.
Round 1
Add to the transcript the following:
$$[S_{\sigma1}] , [S_{\sigma2}] , [S_{\sigma3} ] , [q_L] , [q_R] , [q_M] , [q_O] , [q_C]$$
Compute polynomials $a',b',c'$ as the interpolation polynomials of the columns of $T$ at the domain $H$.
Sample random $b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6$
$a := (b_1X + b_2)Z_H + a'$
$b := (b_3X + b_4)Z_H + b'$
$c := (b_5X + b_6)Z_H + c'$
Compute $[a], [b], [c]$ and add them to the transcript.
Round 2
Sample $\beta, \gamma$ from the transcript.
Let $z_0 = 1$ and define recursively for $0\leq k < N$.
z_{k+1} = z_k \frac{(a_k + \beta\omega^k + \gamma)(b_k + \beta\omega^k k_1 + \gamma)(c_k + \beta\omega^k k_2 + \gamma)}{(a_k + \beta S_{\sigma1}(\omega^k) + \gamma)(b_k + \beta S_{\sigma2}(\omega^k) + \gamma)(c_k + \beta S_{\sigma3}(\omega^k) + \gamma)}
Compute the polynomial $z'$ as the interpolation polynomial at the domain $H$ of the values $(z_0, \dots, z_{N-1})$.
Sample random values $b_7, b_8, b_9$ and let $z = (b_7X^2 + b_8X + b_9)Z_H + z'$.
Compute $[z]$ and add it to the transcript.
Round 3
Sample $\alpha$ from the transcript.
Let $pi$ be the interpolation of the public input matrix $PI$ at the domain $H$.
p_1 &= aq_L + bq_R + abq_M + cq_O + q_C + pi \newline
p_2 &= (a + \beta X + \gamma)(b + \beta k_1 X + \gamma)(c + \beta k_2 X + \gamma)z - (a + \beta S_{\sigma1} + \gamma)(b + \beta S_{\sigma2} + \gamma)(c + \beta S_{\sigma3} + \gamma)z(\omega X)\newline
p_3 &= (z - 1)L_1
and define $p = p_1 + \alpha p_2 + \alpha^2 p_3$. Compute $t$ such that $p = t Z_H$. Write $t = t_{lo}' + X^{N+2} t_{mid}' + X^{2(N+2)} t_{hi}'$ with $t_{lo} ', t_{mid} '$ and $t_{hi} '$ polynomials of degree at most $N+1$.
Sample random $b_{10}, b_{11}$ and define
t_{lo} &= t_{lo}' + b_{10}X^{N+2} \newline
t_{mid} &= t_{mid}' - b_{10} + b_{11}X^{N+2} \newline
t_{hi} &= t_{hi}' - b_{11}
Compute $[t_{lo}] , [t_{mid} ] , [t_{hi} ]$ and add them to the transcript.
Round 4
Sample $\zeta$ from the transcript.
Compute $\bar a = a(\zeta), \bar b = b(\zeta), \bar c = c(\zeta), \bar s_{\sigma1} = S_{\sigma1}(\zeta), \bar s_{\sigma2} = S_{\sigma2}(\zeta), \bar z_\omega = z(\zeta\omega)$ and add them to the transcript.
Round 5
Sample $\upsilon$ from the transcript.
\hat p_{nc1} &= \bar aq_L + \bar bq_R + \bar a\bar bq_M + \bar cq_O + q_C \newline
\hat p_{nc2} &=(\bar a + \beta\zeta + \gamma)(\bar b + \beta k_1\zeta + \gamma)(\bar c + \beta k_2\zeta + \gamma)z - (\bar a + \beta \bar s_{\sigma1} + \gamma)(\bar b + \beta \bar s_{\sigma2} + \gamma)\beta \bar z_\omega S_{\sigma3} \newline
\hat p_{nc3} &= L_1(\zeta) z
p_{nc} &= p_{nc1} + \alpha p_{nc2} + \alpha^2 p_{nc3} \newline
t_{\text{partial}} &= t_{lo} + \zeta^{N+2}t_{mid} + \zeta^{2(N+2)}t_{hi}
The subscript $nc$ stands for "nonconstant," as it is the part of the linearization of $p$ with nonconstant factors. The subscript "partial" indicates that it is a partial evaluation of $t$ at $\zeta$. Partial means that only some power of $X$ is replaced by the powers of $\zeta$. So in particular $t_{\text{partial}}(\zeta) = t(\zeta)$.
Let $\pi_{\text{batch}}$ be the opening proof at $\zeta$ of the polynomial $f_{\text{batch}}$ defined as
$$t_{\text{partial}} +\upsilon p_{nc} + \upsilon^2 a + \upsilon^3 b + \upsilon^4 c + \upsilon^5 S_{\sigma1} + \upsilon^6 S_{\sigma2}$$
Let $\pi_{\text{single}}$ be the opening proof at $\zeta\omega$ of the polynomial $z$.
Compute $\bar p_{nc} := p_{nc}(\zeta)$ and $\bar t = t(\zeta)$.
The proof is:
$$[a], [b], [c], [z], [t_{lo}], [t_{mid}], [t_{hi}], \bar a, \bar b, \bar c, \bar s_{\sigma1}, \bar s_{\sigma 2}, \bar z_\omega, \pi_{\text{batch}}, \pi_{\text{single}}, \bar p_{nc}, \bar t$$
Verification algorithm
Transcript initialization
The first step is to initialize the transcript the same way the prover did, adding to it the following elements.
$$[S_{\sigma1} ], [S_{\sigma2} ], [S_{\sigma3} ], [q_L], [q_R], [q_M], [q_O], [q_C]$$
Extraction of values and commitments
Firstly, the verifier needs to compute all the challenges. For that, he follows these steps:
- Add $[a], [b], [c]$ to the transcript.
- Sample two challenges $\beta, \gamma$.
- Add $[z]$ to the transcript.
- Sample a challenge $\alpha$.
- Add $[t_{lo} ], [t_{mid} ], [t_{hi} ]$ to the transcript.
- Sample a challenge $\zeta$.
- Add $\bar a, \bar b, \bar c, \bar s_{\sigma 1}, \bar s_{\sigma 2}, \bar z_\omega$ to the transcript.
- Sample a challenge $\upsilon$.
Compute $pi(\zeta)$
Also, he needs to compute a few values of all these data. First, he computes the $PI$ matrix with the public inputs and outputs. He needs to compute $pi(\zeta)$, where $pi$ is the interpolation of $PI$ at the domain $H$. But he doesn't need to compute $pi$. He can instead compute $pi(\zeta)$ as
$$ \sum_{i=0}^n L_i(\zeta) PI_i,$$
where $n$ is the number of public inputs and $L_i$ is the Lagrange basis at the domain $H$.
Compute claimed values $p(\zeta)$ and $t(\zeta)$
He computes $\bar p_{c} := pi(\zeta) + \alpha \bar z_\omega (\bar c + \gamma) (\bar a + \beta \bar s_{\sigma1} + \gamma) (\bar b + \beta \bar s_{\sigma2} + \gamma) - \alpha^2 L_1(\zeta)$
This is the constant part of the linearization of $p$. So adding it to what the prover claims to be $\bar p_{nc}$, he obtains
$$p(\zeta) = \bar p_{c} + \bar p_{nc}$$
Concerning $t(\zeta)$, this is actually already $/bar t$.
Compute $[t_{\text{partial}}]$ and $[p_{nc}]$
He computes these of the commitments in the proof as follows:
$$ [t_{\text{partial}}] = [t_{lo}] + \zeta^{N+2}[t_{mid}] + \zeta^{2(N+2)}[t_{hi}] $$
For $[p_{nc}]$, first compute
\left[\hat p_{nc1}\right] &= \bar a[q_L] + \bar b[q_R] + (\bar a\bar b)[q_M] + \bar c[q_O] + [q_C] \newline
[\hat p_{nc2}] &= (\bar a + \beta\zeta + \gamma)(\bar b + \beta k_1\zeta + \gamma)(\bar c + \beta k_2\zeta + \gamma)[z] - (\bar a + \beta \bar s_{\sigma1} + \gamma)(\bar b + \beta \bar s_{\sigma2} + \gamma)\beta \bar z_\omega [S_{\sigma3}] \newline
[\hat p_{nc3}] &= L_1(\zeta)[z]
Then $[p_{nc}] = [p_{nc1}] + [p_{nc2}] + [p_{nc3}]$.
Compute claimed value $f_{\text{batch}}(\zeta)$ and $[f_{\text{batch}}]$
Compute $f_{\text{batch}}(\zeta)$ as
f_{\text{batch}}(\zeta) =
\bar t +\upsilon \bar p_{nc} + \upsilon^2 \bar a + \upsilon^3 \bar b + \upsilon^4 \bar c + \upsilon^5 \bar s_{\sigma1} + \upsilon^6 \bar s_{\sigma2}
Also, the commitment of the polynomial $f_{\text{batch}}$ is
$$\left[f_{\text{batch}}\right] = \left[ t_{\text{partial}} \right] +\upsilon [p_{nc}] + \upsilon^2 [a] + \upsilon^3 [b] + \upsilon^4 [c] + \upsilon^5 [S_{\sigma1}] + \upsilon^6 [S_{\sigma2}]$$
Proof check
Now the verifier has all the necessary values to proceed with the checks.
- Check that $p(\zeta)$ equals $(\zeta^N - 1)t(\zeta)$.
- Verify the opening of $f_{\text{batch}}$ at $\zeta$. That is, check that $\text{Verify}([f_{\text{batch}}], \pi_{\text{batch}}, \zeta, f_{\text{batch}}(\zeta))$ outputs Accept.
- Verify the opening of $z$ at $\zeta\omega$. That is, check the validity of the proof $\pi_{single}$ using the commitment $[z]$ and the value $\bar z_\omega$.
That is, check that $\text{Verify}(\left[z\right] , \pi_{\text{single}}, \zeta\omega, \bar z_\omega )$ outputs Accept.
If all checks pass, he outputs Accept. Otherwise, outputs Reject.
In this post, we covered the working principles and protocol basics of PLONK, a commonly used ZK-SNARK. We saw how to transform the computation into a group of polynomial constraints over the elements of the computation trace. Then, we saw how to enforce these constraints and how to prove the correct wiring, using a permutation argument. In an upcoming post, we will be covering optimizations to the basic protocol, including custom gates, look-up tables, folding schemes and other commitment schemes.