Why we believe that Pod, an optimal-latency, censorship-free, and accountable generalized consensus layer, is a groundbreaking technology for blockchains and distributed systems

TL;DR: This post discusses Pod, a new notion of consensus that achieves optimal latency of one round-trip (about 200 ms), by removing inter-replica communication. We believe this paper and the work by pod network is groundbreaking and we want others to share our excitement and passion for their work, that's why we wrote our understanding of what they have found and created.
The construction is simple and can be implemented in a few hundred lines of code in Rust. While the construction has weaker properties than total order broadcast, it still remains censorship resistant against Byzantine replicas, has accountability for safety violations and achieves low latency. In simpler terms, Pod removes the consensus from the blockchain equation, and allows transactions to happen as fast as ordinary searches on the web. This enables several applications, such as payments, auctions and decentralized data stores.
Introduction: The Problem of Consensus in Blockchain
Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way we think about decentralized trust and distributed ledgers. At its heart lies the problem of consensus—the mechanism by which a network of untrusted parties agrees on the state of a shared ledger. Consensus protocols are responsible for ensuring that every transaction is confirmed, ordered, and irrevocably recorded while preserving key properties such as safety (no two honest nodes disagree on the ledger’s content) and liveness (transactions submitted by honest parties eventually become part of the ledger). One of the reasons why consensus is introduced is to prevent double spending: a party could sign two transactions using the same funds and try to have them approved by the ledger, effectively creating money out of thin air. The fact that one transaction must come before another prevents this, but we will see that consensus is not necessary to achieve this.
In classical distributed systems, consensus has been studied for decades, giving rise to robust algorithms that guarantee agreement among a small set of trusted parties. However, blockchains must operate in an open, permissionless setting where nodes may be geographically dispersed, and some may behave maliciously. The result is that consensus in blockchains must address several additional challenges:
- Scalability and Throughput: Many early blockchains—most notably Bitcoin—suffer from severe throughput limitations (e.g., around 7 transactions per second) and high latency (e.g., waiting up to 10 minutes for finality). These numbers pale in comparison to conventional payment systems like Visa, which processes tens of thousands of transactions per second.
- Security and Byzantine Fault Tolerance: The consensus algorithm must tolerate Byzantine faults (arbitrary and potentially malicious behavior) while ensuring that honest nodes do not disagree on the ledger’s contents.
- Latency and Finality: In many applications, the time between a client’s submission of a transaction and the transaction’s irreversible finalization is critical. High latency not only degrades user experience but can also open the door to adversarial exploits such as front-running.
- Economic Incentives and Censorship Resistance: The design of consensus protocols must account for economic incentives. For example, leader-based systems (where one node is given the right to propose the next block) can be vulnerable to censorship or manipulation if the leader is bribed or coerced.
These challenges have motivated researchers and practitioners to seek new designs that minimize latency and improve throughput without compromising security.
Classical Consensus and Its Limitations
Traditional consensus protocols—such as Paxos, Raft, and Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) algorithms—were originally designed for closed systems with a fixed number of nodes. These algorithms guarantee that if a message is accepted by one correct node, then it will eventually be accepted by all correct nodes (safety), and that new messages are eventually delivered (liveness). In the classical sense, consensus is achieved via multiple rounds of communication among nodes. This typically involves a leader or coordinator who proposes a value, and then the other nodes exchange messages to reach agreement.
However, these algorithms suffer from several limitations when applied to blockchain:
- Communication Overhead: Multiple rounds of message exchanges among all nodes lead to significant communication overhead. In a globally distributed network, this overhead translates into higher latency.
- Leader-Based Bottlenecks: Leader-based approaches centralize the ordering of transactions. While this can simplify the process of reaching consensus, it also creates vulnerabilities. A malicious or compromised leader can censor transactions, reorder them for personal gain (e.g., in the case of MEV), or cause delays.
- Scalability: Traditional consensus protocols are designed for small, known groups of nodes. Scaling these protocols to thousands of nodes (or more) in an open, permissionless network poses significant challenges in terms of both security and performance.
- Latency: Even in the best-case scenario, achieving consensus requires multiple network round trips. The lower bound for many protocols is expressed in terms of δ (the network delay). For instance, protocols based on Byzantine agreement have been shown to require at least t + 1 rounds (where t is the number of tolerated faults) in the synchronous setting, or at least 2n/(n – t) rounds in the asynchronous case.
Because of these inherent limitations, blockchain systems that rely on traditional consensus (or their direct adaptations) often suffer from high transaction confirmation times, limiting their utility for applications that demand near-instant finality.
Consensus in Blockchains
Bitcoin introduced a revolutionary approach to consensus by using Proof-of-Work (PoW) to elect a leader probabilistically. In Bitcoin’s protocol, nodes (miners) compete to solve a cryptographic puzzle, and the first to solve it earns the right to propose the next block. While this approach has the advantage of being robust in an open, trustless environment, it also introduces significant inefficiencies:
- High Latency: The block interval in Bitcoin is deliberately long (approximately 10 minutes) to reduce the probability of forks, resulting in slow confirmation times.
- Energy Consumption: PoW requires vast amounts of computational power and energy.
- Finality Uncertainty: Because Bitcoin’s chain can fork, finality is probabilistic. A transaction is typically considered “final” only after several blocks have been added to the chain (e.g., six confirmations).
Subsequent blockchain designs, such as Ethereum’s Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and various Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) protocols, have attempted to reduce latency and improve throughput. Yet, many of these systems still rely on multi-round communication or leader-based architectures that inherently limit performance.
The Quest for Low-Latency Consensus
The fundamental challenge for any blockchain consensus mechanism is the trade-off between the number of communication rounds (which directly impacts latency) and the security guarantees provided. The ideal scenario would be to achieve the “physically optimal” latency: a one-round-trip delay for writing a transaction and a one-round-trip delay for reading it—totaling 2δ, where δ is the actual network delay. This is the physical limit, as the information must travel from the writer to the replicas and then from the replicas to the reader.
Achieving such low latency, however, is not trivial. Eliminating inter-replica communication (which normally is required to guarantee total ordering and agreement) means that the system must forgo some of the stronger guarantees provided by classical consensus protocols. Instead, Pod aims for a “generalized consensus” that focuses on obtaining useful, application-specific information with minimal delay.
Beyond Total-Order Broadcast: A New Paradigm
Most traditional blockchain consensus protocols focus on the total-order broadcast model. This means that every transaction is ordered sequentially, and all nodes agree on this order. While this is essential for certain applications, it is often overkill for other applications.
For instance, consider payment systems, decentralized auctions, or even certain types of decentralized data stores. In these cases, the requirement is not necessarily that every transaction be totally ordered, but rather that each transaction is confirmed quickly and that some weaker ordering properties hold. This is the insight behind Pod, which we discuss in the next section.
We can see that double-spending can be solved without total ordering, as explained here: imagine I want to send two transactions to two different parties, Alice and Bob. Suppose that the number of validators is 3f + 1, where f is the number of Byzantine validators. I could bribe these f Byzantine validators to accept both transactions, and then I could send the one to Alice to f other validators, and Bob's to different f validators. If 2f + 1 have to agree, there is no way I can gather acceptance for both from 2f + 1, and either my transactions don't go through, or just one gets accepted, and the other would not receive support from honest parties.
The following picture, taken from this post shows the difference between total ordering and Pod:
We can see that in some logs, transaction 4 could happen before transaction 3, but all lie within a prescribed range.
Overview of Pod’s Design
At its core, Pod is designed to achieve transaction confirmation within 2δ latency—the physical lower bound dictated by network delays. To do this, the protocol makes a fundamental design decision: it eliminates inter-replica communication during the transaction write phase. Instead, the following process is used:
- Client-to-Replica Communication: When a client submits a transaction, it sends the transaction directly to all replicas in the network. Each replica processes the transaction independently and appends it to its local log.
- Timestamping and Sequencing: To allow clients (readers) to derive meaningful information from the separate logs maintained by each replica, the replicas attach timestamps and sequence numbers to each transaction. The timestamps have millisecond precision are non-decreasing. These values help clients determine when a transaction can be considered “confirmed.”
- Client-Side Log Aggregation: When a client wishes to read the ledger, it collects the logs from enough replicas (typically 2/3), validates the votes (which include digital signatures), and computes values such as rmin, rmax, and rconf (the minimum round, maximum round, and confirmed round, respectively). From these, the client can determine a past-perfect round—denoted rperf, such that the reader has received all transactions that are or will be confirmed prior to this round.
This design, while sacrificing the strong guarantees of total-order broadcast, enables the protocol to deliver transactions with a minimal delay of 2δ. The trade-off is that the ordering of transactions is “generalized” rather than strict; that is, the protocol guarantees that transactions will be confirmed within a specific time frame, and that their associated timestamps will lie within certain bounds.
Key Properties and Guarantees
Pod is engineered to deliver several critical guarantees, making it particularly well-suited for applications where low latency is essential. These properties include:
- Transaction Confirmation within 2δ: Every transaction written by an honest client is guaranteed to be confirmed—i.e., appear in the output of any reader—with a delay of at most 2δ.
- Censorship Resistance: Even in the presence of Byzantine replicas (nodes that deviate arbitrarily), the protocol ensures that confirmed transactions are visible to every honest reader. This is crucial in applications such as payments and auctions, where censorship or selective inclusion could have severe consequences.
- Past-Perfection Property: Pod defines a “past-perfect round” (rperf), which guarantees that a client is seeing all possible transactions receiving rconf ≤ rperf. More precisely, suppose client A computes rperf and, at any point in the future, client B sees a transaction confirmed with rconf ≤ rperf, then client A was already aware of that transaction at the moment it computed rperf (though he may not have seen it as confirmed at that time). In the case of auctions, past-perfection ensures that no additional bids be included after the auctioneer sees the deadline as past-perfect.
- Accountability for Safety Violations: The protocol includes mechanisms that allow for the identification of misbehaving replicas. If a safety violation occurs, the protocol can pinpoint which nodes deviated from the prescribed behavior. This accountability is enforced by the digital signatures attached to each transaction vote. Having accountability means that malicious actors can be slashed.
- Flexible Transaction Timestamps: Although different replicas may assign slightly different timestamp values to the same transaction, the protocol guarantees that the rconf for any honest client will be bounded between rmin and rmax (this is the confirmation bounds property).
The past-perfection and confirmation bounds ensure that parties cannot be blindsided by transactions suddenly ap-
pearing as confirmed too far in the past, and that the different transaction timestamps stay in a certain range.
How Pod Differs from Traditional Consensus
Traditional consensus protocols, such as those used in longest-chain blockchains or BFT systems, rely on extensive communication among nodes to establish a total order of transactions. In contrast, Pod’s approach is to sidestep inter-replica communication altogether during the transaction write phase. This decision is pivotal for achieving optimal latency, but it also means that the protocol must accept a weaker form of ordering.
To illustrate this, consider the following contrasts:
- Leader Election vs. Leaderless Operation: In many blockchain systems, a leader (or sequencer) is elected to propose the next block. This leader is responsible for ordering transactions and ensuring that all nodes see the same sequence. In Pod, there is no such leader. Instead, every replica processes transactions independently and the ordering is derived by the client at read time.
- Total-Order vs. Generalized Order: Total-order broadcast protocols ensure that every node sees every transaction in the same order. Pod, on the other hand, guarantees that transactions are confirmed within a certain latency and that the order is “good enough” for applications like payments and auctions, where strict ordering is less critical.
- Inter-Replica Communication Overhead: By eliminating the need for replicas to communicate with each other, Pod dramatically reduces the communication overhead that typically limits the performance of consensus protocols. This design choice is the key to achieving 2δ latency, the best possible time-to-finality dictated by physical network delays.
Pod-Core: The Technical Construction
The technical core of the Pod protocol (referred to as pod-core in the paper) is built around the following mechanisms:
- Client State and Voting: Clients maintain state that includes the most recent transaction round (mrt), sequence numbers, and a mapping of transactions to votes received from replicas. When a client submits a transaction, it waits to receive “votes” from each replica. These votes include a timestamp (ts) and a sequence number (sn) along with a digital signature.
- Vote Validation and Ordering: On receiving a vote, the client first verifies the signature to ensure authenticity. It then checks that the sequence number is as expected. If the vote passes these checks, it is incorporated into the client’s local state. Clients use the collection of votes to compute the rmin (the minimum timestamp), rmax (the maximum timestamp), and, via a median or other aggregation method, the confirmed round (rconf). This is a timestamp that is attached to a transaction that is taken as confirmed by a client and which may vary accordingly. The confirmation bounds property ensures, however, that all honest clients rconf will be bounded between rmin and rmax.
- Replica Logs and Read Operations: Replicas maintain their own logs of transactions. When a client performs a read operation, it collects these logs, validates them, and then computes a global view of the ledger that satisfies the past-perfection property. This view is then presented as the output of the read() operation.
By adhering to these procedures, pod-core guarantees that any transaction written by an honest client will be confirmed with minimal latency and that any attempt by Byzantine nodes to censor or reorder transactions will be detectable and, thus, accountable.
The Elimination of Inter-Replica Communication
A central innovation in Pod is the removal of inter-replica communication during the write phase. Traditional consensus protocols require replicas to engage in multiple rounds of message exchanges to agree on the order of transactions. Pod circumvents this by allowing clients to broadcast their transactions directly to every replica. This design choice has several profound implications:
- Optimal Latency: Without waiting for replicas to coordinate with each other, the transaction’s propagation time is limited only by the physical delay of messages traveling through the network. Hence, the confirmation time is approximately 2δ.
- Reduced Complexity: By offloading the ordering responsibility to the client’s read operation, the protocol simplifies the interaction among replicas. Each replica independently timestamps and sequences transactions without needing to reconcile its state with others.
- Localized Fault Isolation: If a subset of replicas behaves maliciously, their misbehavior can be isolated and identified through the accountability mechanisms. The impact of Byzantine nodes is contained, and honest clients can still obtain a consistent view of the ledger by aggregating data from a sufficient number of honest replicas.
The protocol employs a streaming construction. Clients establish persistent connections with all replicas, enabling them to continuously receive “vote” messages as soon as a replica processes a transaction. This streaming nature means that rather than making isolated, one-off requests for each transaction, the client maintains an ongoing session where transaction updates—including timestamps, sequence numbers, and digital signatures—are streamed in real time. By persistently receiving this data, the client is able to immediately update its state and aggregate the votes necessary for computing parameters such as rmin, rmax, rconf, and rperf. This approach not only minimizes the overhead associated with repeatedly setting up new connections but also ensures that the client’s view of the ledger remains as current as possible, thereby contributing to the protocol’s objective of near-optimal latency. This moves from the pattern of blocks, where you have to wait until it appears to receive a confirmation, adding delay.
Timestamping and the Computation of rmin, rmax, and rconf
Pod introduces a sophisticated scheme for assigning and aggregating timestamps to ensure that, even in the absence of inter-replica communication, clients can derive a coherent view of transaction ordering. The key components are:
- rmin (Minimum Round): The lower bound for rconf for the transaction's rconf for an honest client. Calculation given in lines 1-13 of algorithm 3.
- rmax (Maximum Round): The upper bound for rconf for the transaction's rconf for an honest client. Calculation given in lines 14-26 of algorithm 3.
- rconf (Confirmed Round): A computed value—derived as the median of the timestamps received from a quorum of replicas—that signifies when a transaction becomes confirmed. Calculation given in lines 12-18 of algorithm 2.
The protocol guarantees that, for any transaction, the confirmed round rconf will satisfy the bounds determined by rmin and rmax.
Lemma 1 shows that the values of rmin, rmax will correspond to the sorted values (in increasing order) at positions $\lfloor \alpha / 2 \rfloor - \beta$ and $n - \alpha + \lfloor \alpha / 2 \rfloor + \beta$, respectively. Here $\alpha$ is the confirmation threshold and $\beta$ the resilience threshold, satisfying $n - \alpha = \beta$. If $\alpha \geq 4\beta + 1$, lemma 2 indicates that there is at least one honest replica such that its most recent timestamp is, at most, rperf. Lemmas 3 and 4 guarantee, under the same assumptions, that we have confirmation within $2\delta$ and past-perfection within $\delta$. Lemmas 5, 6 and 7 guarantee that the construction has past-perfection safety, confirmation bounds and $\beta$-accountable safety, respectively. All these results are combined to prove the security of Pod-core as stated in theorem 1.
Digital Signatures and Accountability
Every transaction vote in Pod is accompanied by a digital signature. This has multiple advantages:
- Authentication: Clients can verify that the vote indeed comes from the claimed replica, preventing impersonation attacks.
- Non-Repudiation: Since signatures are cryptographically secure, a malicious replica cannot later deny that it sent a particular vote.
- Misbehavior Detection: If a replica sends inconsistent or out-of-order votes, these discrepancies can be detected by comparing signatures across different replicas’ logs. The identify() function in the protocol uses these digital proofs to pinpoint the source of any violation of safety properties.
This accountability mechanism is essential not only for security but also for enforcing economic incentives. If a replica is caught misbehaving, it can be penalized (for example, through slashing of its stake), which in turn discourages behavior that could undermine the protocol’s guarantees.
Client (Algorithms 1, 2 and 3)
The client maintains a state consisting of all the replicas, their public keys, and lists for the most recent timestamp, and next sequence number expected by each replica, the timestamps received for each transaction by each replica and the pod observed by the client so far.
After initialization (steps 7-14 of algorithm 1), the client could try to send a transaction to be included. To that end, the client sends it to all the replicas (steps 1-5 of algorithm 2). Upon reception, honest replicas will answer back with their vote. Every time the client receives a vote, the client (steps 15 - 24, algorithm 1):
- will verify the signature (step 16, returning if invalid).
- checks whether the serial number corresponds to the expectec (step 17, returning if the vote cannot be processed).
- updates the corresponding next sequence number (step 18).
- ensures that the timestamp is not less than the mrt (step 19, returning in case it's a previous timestamp).
- updates the mrt (step 20) and checks whether the transaction is a heartbeat (step 21, doing nothing else for a heartbeat).
- checks for duplicate timestamps (step 22, returning if there is a duplicate).
- adds the timestamp for the transaction in the log corresponding to the replica (step 23).
The client can afterwards perform a read operation, following the steps 6 to 28 in algorithm 2:
- Initializes transaction and additional information (step 7)
- Loops over all transactions in the pod (steps 8 - 21),
- Computes rmin and rmax (steps 9 and 10) and sets rconf to bottom, as well as setting the timestamps and additional information to empty (step 11).
- If there is a quorum (checking that there are at least $\alpha$ valid signatures), the client gets the timestamps (step 14), appends them to the timestamps (step 15), appens the vote to the additional information (step 16), and computes the rconf for the transaction as the median (step 18) and appends the transaction to the transation log (step 20).
- Computes the rperf (step 22).
- Appends the message votes for mrt for each replica (step 24).
- Assembles the pod from the information (transactions, rperf and additional information) and returns the pod (steps 26-27).
Algorithm 3 is concerned with the computation of median (33-35) and minimum (1-13), maximum (14-26) and minimum estimated next timestamps (27-32).
Replica (Algorithm 4)
The replica contains a list of all connected clients, the next sequence number, its log and has a function to return the clock time of the replica (lines 1-4). The replica initializes with clean log and no connections (5-7). At the end of each round, the replica sends a hearbeat to each connection (26-28).
Whenever a client connects to the replica, it adds the client to the connected client list (9) and sends all votes to the client (10-12). If a client wants to perform a write, first the replica checks whether it is not a duplicate (15, returning if it is a duplicate) and sends back a vote.
The vote is performed in the following way:
- The replica gets the timestamp, next serial number and signs a messages with the transaction, the timestamp and serial number (step 19).
- The replica appends the transaction to its log, if valid (20).
- The replica sends the vote to all the clients (21-23)
- The replica updates the next serial number, increasing it by 1 (24).
Pod-core is very simple core, where clients can read and write, and replicas keep logs of transactions and vote. There are extensions from traditional databases that we can use to enhance performance or allow additional features. The extensions are added in a trust-minimized way, so that the security of the network relies on the security of pod-core.
We can use secondaries, separating the computers handling the read and write instructions. The secondaries are untrusted, read-only nodes that serve the requests from clients. They receive signed updates from write nodes (validators), keep them cached, and forward them to suscribed nodes. They do not sign any messages and the only thing they could do is stop responding. In that case, the user just switches to another secondary for the same validator.
Even though the reads are no longer handled by the validators, clients need to send their writes to all the validators, which is neither practical nor economical. We can solve this by incorporating untrusted gateways, which maintain an open connection to all validators. When clients want to submit a transaction, they reach the gateway and it then forwards to all validators, receives the signatures back, assembles a certificate consisting of at least $\alpha$ signatures and sends everything back to the client. Gateways do not sign transactions and, if they refuse to send transactions, the client may switch to another.
We can also reduce the amount of data storage by active validators using Merkle Mountain Ranges, reducing the requirements to run a validator, which, in turn, helps in increasing the decentralization of the network.
Implications for Blockchain Design
For blockchain designers, the key takeaway is that any system optimized solely for high TPS may still fall short if its consensus mechanism introduces significant delays. Pod’s design philosophy—achieving optimal latency (2δ) through a consensusless, client-driven approach—addresses this by focusing on the true metric of performance: time-to-finality.
In practical terms, this means that blockchain systems need to:
- Optimize for Low Latency: Rather than simply increasing the number of transactions that can be processed per second, developers should strive to reduce the number of communication rounds required for consensus.
- Minimize Overhead: Eliminating unnecessary inter-node communication (as Pod does) can lead to dramatic improvements in confirmation times.
- Reevaluate Throughput Metrics: Marketing a blockchain based solely on TPS can be misleading; metrics such as average confirmation time and the worst-case time-to-finality are more indicative of real-world performance.
Real-Time Auctions and the Limitations of Leader-Based Consensus
Another critical application domain where consensus latency plays a central role is that of real-time auctions. Traditional blockchains are ill-suited for auctions because of inherent delays and vulnerabilities associated with leader-based ordering. In this section, we explore the challenges that auctions face in blockchain environments and how alternative consensus approaches can provide a better foundation for auction applications.
Auctions in the Blockchain Ecosystem
Auctions have long been a cornerstone of economic activity—from art sales to spectrum auctions—and have found numerous applications in the blockchain space:
- MEV (Maximal Extractable Value): On Ethereum, there are auctions where block builders compete for the right to capture extra value through transaction ordering.
- Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Protocols like CowSwap, UniswapX, and dYdX employ auction mechanisms to determine optimal order flows and to settle trades.
- Liquidation Auctions: Lending protocols such as MakerDAO and Aave rely on auctions to liquidate collateral when borrowers fall below required thresholds.
- Sequencing Rights: Emerging systems like Espresso auctions share sequencing rights among multiple Layer 2 (L2) solutions, attempting to maximize throughput and fairness.
Despite these varied applications, the common thread is that the auction outcome depends critically on the ordering of bids and the rapid inclusion of all valid bids before a deadline.
Vulnerabilities of Leader-Based Consensus in Auctions
Most blockchains today rely on a leader-based architecture where one node (or a small group of nodes) is entrusted with proposing the next block. This design, while effective for ensuring global consensus, introduces several vulnerabilities in auction scenarios:
- Censorship: A leader has the power to censor transactions. In an auction, a leader might suppress competing bids to ensure that a colluding party wins the auction.
- Last-Look Attacks: In a leader-based system, a malicious leader can wait until the deadline to observe the current set of bids, then insert its own bid that is just slightly higher. This “last-look” strategy can subvert the fairness of the auction.
- Delayed Finality: The multiple rounds required for consensus in traditional systems can lead to delays that are unacceptable for real-time auctions. If bids are finalized too slowly, the auction outcome may not reflect the true state of the market at the moment of settlement.
A Consensusless Approach for Auctions
Given the shortcomings of leader-based consensus for auctions, the pod protocol presents a promising alternative. By eliminating the need for inter-replica communication during the transaction write phase, Pod can:
- Reduce Finality Delays: With a target of 2δ latency, auctions can be concluded almost in real time, making them suitable for high-frequency and high-stakes bidding.
- Mitigate Censorship and Reordering: Since there is no single leader with unilateral control over the ordering of transactions, the risk of censorship or last-look manipulation is greatly reduced.
- Enable Local Computation of Auction Outcomes: In Pod, clients (or auctioneers) can collect the logs from various replicas and compute the set of bids. Since the ordering is not strictly enforced globally, the auction outcome is derived from the aggregated bid set—a process that is inherently more robust against adversarial manipulation.
The “past-perfection” property of Pod ensures that once bids are confirmed, they remain in the ledger permanently. This is particularly important for auctions, where the integrity of the bid set is paramount.
Benefits for Decentralized Auctions
Transitioning to a consensusless model for auctions offers several compelling benefits:
- Faster Settlement: Auctions can be resolved in near real time, enhancing user experience and enabling new business models such as flash auctions or real-time bidding for digital advertising.
- Fairer Outcomes: By removing the centralized role of the block proposer, the auction system becomes less prone to manipulation, ensuring that all valid bids are considered equally.
- Enhanced Accountability: Any attempt to censor or manipulate bids can be traced to specific replicas, ensuring that misbehavior is detectable and punishable.
These features not only improve the functioning of existing auction mechanisms but also open up possibilities for innovative auction-based applications that require extremely low latency and high fairness.
The landscape of blockchain technology is undergoing a profound transformation. Traditional consensus protocols, which have served as the backbone of early blockchain systems, are being reimagined to meet the demands of modern applications that require both high throughput and ultra-low latency. In this post, we have explored several ideas:
- Pod’s Novel Approach: By eliminating inter-replica communication during transaction submission and leveraging client-side aggregation of replica logs, Pod achieves transaction confirmation within the physical lower bound of 2δ. This design not only minimizes latency but also enhances censorship resistance and accountability.
- Reevaluating Blockchain Performance: The oft-cited metric of TPS (transactions per second) does not capture the true performance of a blockchain. Instead, time-to-finality—the time it takes for a transaction to be irrevocably confirmed—is an additional measure.
- Challenges in Real-Time Auctions: Leader-based consensus protocols have inherent vulnerabilities that make them unsuitable for applications such as real-time auctions. By adopting a consensusless model, as demonstrated by Pod, these applications can achieve rapid confirmation and mitigate risks such as censorship and last-look attacks.