zero knowledge proofs Verifiable AES: encryption using zero-knowledge proofs Encryption is transforming messages into random-looking texts to ensure confidentiality between two parties. What is our objective here? We want to generate proof allowing us to verify an encryption algorithm, ensuring it does what it was designed for.
zero knowledge proofs Fully private applications: A ZEXE protocol Introduction One of the key issues in the current world is how to achieve consensus between trustless parties. Distributed ledgers have become popular since the advent of cryptocurrencies, built over a technology known as blockchain. One of the main problems is that these ledgers offer limited privacy and are quite
LambdaClass and FuzzingLabs Partner to Create 4G and 5G Telecommunication security solution We're excited to announce a new partnership between LambdaClass and FuzzingLabs. This collaboration brings together two leaders in the tech industry, combining Lambda's expertise in distributed systems and cryptography with FuzzingLabs's advanced fuzzing tools, to help ensure the reliability and security of 4G and
Math Weird ways to multiply really fast with Karatsuba, Toom–Cook and Fourier Introduction The applicability and performance of algorithms depend on how fast certain routine computations can be done. For example, in elliptic curve cryptography, one needs to calculate the public key as $k\times g=g+g+g+....+g$, where $k$ is a very large integer (typically a number with a
Fully Homomorphic Encryption Featured An introduction to Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a powerful cryptographic primitive which allows us parties to compute with encrypted data, without the need of decrypting it first.
Fully Homomorphic Encryption Fully-homomorphic encryption, zero-knowledge proofs, and multiparty computation ZKP can provide integrity of computations, FHE allows data sharing and calculation without compromising it and MPC gives the power to delegate expensive computations to other parties. In this post, we explain the basic ideas behind these primitives.
cryptography How to create your own crappy RSA as a software developer Introduction One of the key developments in cryptography was the introduction of public key (or asymmetric) cryptosystems. These rely on pairs of keys: one of them is the public key (known to everybody) and the other is the private key (known only to the specific user). The public key is
Math Math Survival Kit for Developers Introduction When working with cryptographic applications you need to understand some of the underlying math (at least, if you want to do things properly). For example, the RSA cryptographic system (which was one of the earliest methods and most widely adopted, until it lost ground to better methods, such as
elliptic curves Need for speed: Elliptic curves chapter Introduction Elliptic curves (EC) have gained widespread acceptance as tools for cryptography. They offer several advantages over other methods, such as RSA, providing equal levels of security with shorter keys (for example, 228-bit keys in EC cryptography are as good as 2300-bit RSA keys). This represents an advantage, since more
cryptography What every developer needs to know about elliptic curves Elliptic curves (EC) have become one of the most useful tools for modern cryptography. They were proposed in the 1980s and became widespread used after 2004. Its main advantage is that it offers smaller key sizes to attain the same level of security of other methods, resulting in smaller storage
Ethereum development made easy with Foundry As part of our trip to Devcon Amsterdam back in April, we attended the War Room Games Amsterdam competition, an Ethereum CTF where you "hacked" smart contracts to win points. The event was loads of fun, but we realized while playing that our main obstacle was not Ethereum/
Rust Secure computation in Rust: Using Intel's SGX instructions with Teaclave and Fortanix TEEs can be thought of as processes that are running "isolated" from the OS and upper layers in a secure part of the CPU. The idea of this is to help to significantly reduce the attack surface.
Rust Benchmarking and analyzing Rust code performance with Criterion and Iai In this post, we'll talk about our experience doing benchmarks in Rust, what tools we used and why it was important for us.
Julia Featured Simulations are about to get way, way faster with JuliaSim JuliaSim is a cloud-based simulation platform built on top of the Julia open source stack, including SciML and ModelingToolkit
Clojure BEAM all the things! ClojErl, an implementation of Clojure on the Erlang Virtual Machine An interview with its creator, Juan Facorro.
Data Science We wrote a book! “Data Science in Julia for Hackers” beta is now live and free to read Learn about data science and Julia while solving real-life problems
Julia Modeling complexity with Symbolics.jl and ModelingToolkit.jl An interview with Chris Rackauckas
Actor Model LAM: an actor-model VM for WebAssembly and native An interview with its creator, Leandro Ostera
Ballista Ballista, a distributed compute platform made with Rust and Apache Arrow An interview with its creator, Andy Grove
Chez Scheme Rebuilding the Racket Compiler with Chez Scheme An interview on Racket CS with programmers Gustavo Massaccesi Matthew Flatt
Stumpy Stumpy: unleashing the power of the matrix profile for time series analysis An interview with Stumpy creator Sean Law
Conference For the first time, enjoy all the talks of BuzzConf 2020 online and free of charge! Enjoy talks on functional programming, Julia, Python, data science, machine learning, observability, operating systems and more!